Larry H Benis - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Larry Benis
Nacido enFlorida
19 years
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Árbol Genealógico
Angela Anniversaries... September 27, 2007

They are coming aren't they. Wanted to let you know I am thinking about you.

Dallas' birthday is October 10. I am afraid and don't want the day to come.

How can he have a birthday if he isn't here?!! It doesn't make sense Bonnie.

No sense at all. I will be thinking about you with prayers for peace on Oct. 9.

Love, Angela




Angela Bonnie... August 27, 2007

Thinking of you and Bubba.

Functional days and wretched days. No good days yet.

But trying...trying.

Peace, from me to you.


Angela For Bonnie and Bubba August 19, 2007

I was thinking about you today. I wanted to tell you that.

And to thank you, for how pretty Dallas looks with the Angel.


I hope Bubba visits you soon. I know, I need Dallas to visit me.

I want to smell him again, hear him again, and if only I could look at him just one more time..................




Angela I am with you... August 17, 2007

I feel your pain. My son Dallas died of an accidental heroin overdose on July 12, 2007. He was 19. Look at our beautiful boys. I want to say, I am thinking of you.

I have been searching for weeks, to find kids like my son, who died senselssly and for parents who KNOW what I am feeling. I feel like God punched a hole in the world and took my soul with Him. Your son will be remembered, by a stranger. Because our children have connected us.

If you have time, you can view the Blog I made for my son Dallas at : http//

May our boys be with the ultimate peace.



Alice Now I lay me down to sleep May 27, 2007

I pray the Lord my Soul to keep.  If I should Die before I wake, I pray the Lord My Soul to Take.  That was my son's prayer in his room since birth and from the song your wonderful mom put on your web site must have been yours also.  Bubba find Danny and chill with him.  You both are forever 19 and from your pics, etc.  I think you two are probably hanging and playing cards or something together or trying to make people laugh up there.  Keep us strong down here, we all miss all our angels.

Luv Danny's Mom, Forever In my Heart, Forever 19.............

Carol Gezzi an angel among angels April 27, 2007
Shirley Condolence March 21, 2007
We know your loss...we lost our precious son, too.
jenny Our sons passed on the same day/month March 19, 2007


I found this site through TCF.My son died in a vehicle accident oct.9,2003.I just wanted to say I'm sorry ,we will meet our angels again,we just don't know when.

God Bless



Debi A Mom who feels your loss March 2, 2007

What a beautiful tribute to your prescious, handsome Bubba.  When a child dies, there are no words to stop this disbelief and pain.  I won't even try.  Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Please visit our son's site:    He died on July 16th, 2005.  May God Bless you.


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