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Larry Benis
Born in Florida
19 years
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Hendrick Polanco My deepest condolences November 14, 2018

My deepest condolences.  May these few words from the Holy Scriptures bring you comfort in your time of grief...

John 11:32-45

32 And so Mary, when she arrived where Jesus was and caught sight of him, fell at his feet, saying to him: “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” 33 Jesus, therefore, when he saw her weeping and the Jews that came with her weeping, groaned in the spirit and became troubled; 34 and he said: “Where have YOU laid him?” They said to him: “Lord, come and see.” 35 Jesus gave way to tears. 36 Therefore the Jews began to say: “See, what affection he used to have for him!” 37 But some of them said: “Was not this [man] that opened the eyes of the blind man able to prevent this one from dying?”

38 Hence Jesus, after groaning again within himself, came to the memorial tomb. It was, in fact, a cave, and a stone was lying against it.39 Jesus said: “TAKE the stone away.” Martha, the sister of the deceased, said to him: “Lord, by now he must smell, for it is four days.”40 Jesus said to her: “Did I not tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” 41 Therefore they took the stone away. Now Jesus raised his eyes heavenward and said: “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 True, I knew that you always hear me; but on account of the crowd standing around I spoke, in order that they might believe that you sent me forth.” 43 And when he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice: “Laz´a·rus, come on out!” 44The [man] that had been dead came out with his feet and hands bound with wrappings, and his countenance was bound about with a cloth. Jesus said to them: “Loose him and let him go.”

45 Therefore many of the Jews that had come to Mary and that beheld what he did put faith in him;

Please go to the following link for more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage 

Kelli George's mom Lorraine Hallows' Eve, October 13, 2017
Halloween or Hallowe'en, also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. It begins the three-day observance of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints, martyrs, and all the faithful departed.

Kelli George's mom Lorraine My Memory Library by Sarah Blackstone May 8, 2017
Imagine if I was given one moment, just a single slice of my past. I could hold it close forever, and that moment would always last. I'd put the moment in a safe, within my hearts abode. I could open it when I wanted, and only I would know the code. I could choose a time of laughing, a time of happiness and fun. I could choose a time that tried me, through everything I've done. I sat and thought about what moment, would always make me smile. One that would always push me, to walk that extra mile. If I'm feeling sad and low, if I'm struggling with what to do. I can go and open my little safe, and watch my moment through. There are moments I can think of, that would lift my spirits everytime. The moments when you picked me up, when the road was hard to climb. For me to only pick one moment, to cherish, save and keep, Is proving really difficult, as I've gathered up a heap! I've dug deep inside my heart, found the safe and looked inside, there was room for lots of moments, in fact hundreds if I tried. I'm building my own little library, embedded in my heart, for all the moments spent with you, before you had to part. I can open it up whenever I like, pick a moment and watch it through, My little library acts as a promise, I'll never ever forget you
Kelli George's mom Lorraine Thanksgiving 2016 November 17, 2016

Dear Father who art in Heaven….

Please join our family on this Thanksgiving Day

And bless each one as we sit down to pray

As we remember those who have joined You above

So dearly missed and deeply loved.

Please provide us strength on this Thanksgiving Day

Bless us with memories of those faraway

Please grant patience to family and friends as we grieve

And help us reach out to others who are bereaved.

We give thanks to You on this Thanksgiving Day…

For Your presence in our lives each and everyday.

For Your comfort, guidance, and never ending love.

And for taking care of our loved ones….in Heaven above.

As we light this candle on this Thanksgiving Day…

And it glows in memorial of those in Heaven today…

May their lights always shine down on us and give us light

And may we feel their presence along with Yours tonight.

May the peace and tranquility of this Thanksgiving Day

Be an everlasting light within each of us along the way

Let’s bow our heads and give our Thanks to God above

For our blessings, whether on earth or in Heaven above.


Rose gma to Brittany Happy Valentine's Day Bubba & Bonnie February 14, 2013
Kelli George's mom Lorraine Spring 2012 May 3, 2012
Kelli George's mom Lorraine Christmas 2011 Remembrance December 19, 2011

Angel Kelli's mom Lorraine Love Never Forgets April 4, 2011
Cynthia Regan Larry and Bonnie<3 February 13, 2011
cindi dana regans mom Hugs larry and Bonnie January 22, 2011
Total Condolences: 123
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